Friday 10 July 2009

Introducing Swamp Fever

Valve along with EA will be show casing the new campaign 2 out of 5 (Should be 6 in my opinion - bring on the exploited DLC -_-) called Swamp Fever at this years comic-con.

As you can see from the image a very misty, damp, raining dark level - excellent this is more like it! Apprently they'll be showing off some of the new items in L4D2, be sure to drop back when more details emerge.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

New Handheld weapons!

Theres been a slow diegestion of L4D 2 news recently, one new addition to the weapon aresenal is the cricket bat! Thats to go along with the axe, chainsaw and frying pan.

As you can see here one of the new characters in l4d2 Ellis sporting a cricket bat (no not the same as a baseball bat) Playing on the rivalry between the Aussies and England (Shown in Picture) This means that we might see some new campaigns in other countrys after L4D2. Also note that this could be a reference to an excellent British zombie film 'Shaun of the dead'.

All we need now are frisbee records!

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Campaigns Galore

With the new addition of user generated content means thats loads of cool campaigns are being created.

One such website is dedicated to all things modding be sure to check out this site
Most of the campaigns are in beta but they offer different mods such as character skins. Nice

Thursday 25 June 2009

User created Campaigns now fully supported

As of today you can now upload user generated content and play them in the game. The server and authoring tools have been updated also.

Get those mods rollin'!

Saturday 20 June 2009

More Mod functions coming next week

Next week you will be able to download the full Mod tools for L4D. There will be a new campaign system where you will be able to download user based content and then play it in the original game. Good stuff!

Resident Evil 3: Mod

Here's an excellent example of what can be done with the L4D development tools. The author 'Outatime' has done a cracking job of re-creating scenes from Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.

To download the beta go visit the website excellent stuff!

Louis Again....

Last night I thought I'd play some L4D, it had been awhile. Louis is a great character, he's funny but at the same time he can be so annoying!

So lets get to the bugs, theres a bug when you click on the lift (where you blow up the gas station) sometimes players can fall through the world. (Louis -_-)

After that Louey just kept on glitching out throughout the entire game. I had got to the end of the sewers and Louis was just stuck at the top of the man hole, it was over the top of it, couldnt fall down. He just stood there.

Then once we got to the safe house he spawed in the corner and started jumping randomly and I also apprently managed to kill a boomer as well 0_o

From there it seemed alright, is it just me or does this only happen to louis?

The Last Man Standing

A new Game mode called 'Last Man Standing'

This game mode will be a play on the whole competitive and cooperative in the main campaign mode and versus mode.

Players will start off playing as a team of 4, now each player will be given a weapon of random choice. They will have limited ammo. There will also be no med packs but there will be pills throughout the level.

So what’s this all about?

Players will traverse like normal with limited ammo (in many cases this blends survival as well) so there's a timer for how long you can last in the game. The beauty of it though is that if you or a team mate dies - they could back as an infected, so they have to hunt down their once teams mates (competitive) Not just any old zombie, not just special infected zombie. But a zombie survivor.
The object of the game is to survive for the longest - but it gets harder because after each survivor dies they come back as zombies.

Who ever is last is the winner

This will mean players can either work together or not. Its up to them.

And then there was only but one...

We all love zombies, am I right?

Well thing is, the worst senario would be after L4D2 they wont make any more new additions to the series. They've seen what it does to the community.

So how can we help out?

Comments and suggestions - new level design mods, new weapons, new characters, new additions, new play modes. You name it, it'll be here.

We'll also be posting news, updates, theories, Mods, recommendations and new bugs